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We first got involved with THIRDHOME about 3 years ago. To be honest, we were a little skeptical because we thought it was almost too good to be true. Every exchange we have done has been great. We have had nothing but positive experiences with our trips and with our guests.

In addition to the travel opportunities, I believe that my THIRDHOME membership enhances my property value and makes it a more marketable asset. To say that THIRDHOME  has improved the way I travel is an understatement.

We let THIRDHOME decide where our next adventure will take us. It’s a mystery where our next adventure will be, but one thing we know, it will be magical.

We joined THIRDHOME in 2011 after researching companies which would allow us to do home exchanges with our second home in Spain. We have visited 17 properties in 6 years and have genuinely loved every one.

THIRDHOME allowed me to visit places that we probably would not have gone to. Allowed me to have accommodations for many people.

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